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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
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Our hall has quite excellent food, a nice selection of drinks (do try the Straffe Koffie) and most friendly and accomodating hosts.
Likely to be the PotD twice; and we might have them organise a BBQ for us out the back.
Kaaskerkestraat 2
8600 Diksmuide
Tel 051 50 65 80
GSM 0475 98 22 68
We will host the next Linux Bier Wanderung in Diksmuide, in the middle of the historical Flanders' Fields, where the poppies grow. It is a beautiful, flat polder landscape, dotted with small villages, war memorials and silent, dignified soldiers' graveyards.
Walkers as well as history addicts will be able to spend hours doing what they love, and of course there is no shortage of famous Belgian beer and food. We will be very close to the coast (20 km), beautiful Bruges (40 km) and even famous Westvleteren (20 km), although the monks may not actually be very helpful.
We've only had a small snack here, but given that we were actually past kitchen closing time, it was very nice of them to actuall whip up something :-)
Nothing exceptional, but does look like they might seat us.
~IJzerlaan 91
8600 Diksmuide
Tel. 051 50 59 16
Apart from being a hotel (Best Western, same owner as Pax), we were quite impressed with the quality of food here.
Located on the market square, there is plenty of room here to seat the entire group; we enquired and were told that it would not be a problem to seat us if we notified just a day or two in advance.
Grote Markt 35
8600 Diksmuide
Tel. 051 50 00 38
[[About LBW 2012]]
[[The Dates]]
[[The Venue]]
Following the traditional tradition of the Gentle Introductory Walk and our promise to show the LBW what "a flat walk" actually means, we have decided to nominate the Dodentocht for non-official, non-compulsory and probably non-sane Flat Pre-LBW Walk.
The [[Dodentocht|http://www.dodentocht.be/]] is a 100km walk that starts and ends in Bornem, Belgium, to be completed in 24 hours or less. Food and drink is provided along the way, among other places at the Duvel brewery.
The walk starts on friday, 10 August at 21h.
@@This planning is, and probably always will be, very much improvised.@@
Check back often, follow the RSS feed and check the mailing list for the latest information.
|!10:00|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|Hall cleaning|
|!18:00|----|----|[[Potluck Dinner]]|----|----|----|----|----|~|
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!By Car
* Coming from Brussels, follow the E40 towards Gent and Calais. Take exit 4-Middelkerke and turn onto the N369 towards Diksmuide.
!By Train & Bus
* There is a direct train from Brussels South station to Diksmuide. Travel time is about one hour.
!By Air
* You are most likely to fly into [[Brussels National Airport|http://www.brusselsairport.be]]. All major airlines fly there.
** Driving distance is about 150km to Zutendaal.
** There are regular trains between the airport and Brussels South station.
* The major alternative, for Ryanair and similar lines, is "Brussels South", [[Charleroi Airport|http://www.charleroi-airport.com]].
** Driving distance is 170km to Zutendaal.
** Bus service to Charleroi train station.
* Smaller airports in [[Antwerp|http://http://www.antwerp-airport.be]] (150km from hall) and [[Liege|http://http://www.liegeairport.com]] (230km from hall).
A list of some of the pubs and restaurants available in yon settlement.
! Navigation
*[[About LBW 2012]]
*[[The Dates]]
*[[The Venue]]
*[[The Views]]
*[[Getting There]]
*[[Sleeping There]]
*[[Local Food & Beer]]
! Meta Stuff
[[To Do List |Ye Olde To-Do Liste]]
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<div id='contentFooter'><p>TiddlyWiki was created by <a href='http://tiddlywiki.com'>Jeremy Ruston</a> and TiddlyKubrick was created by <a href='http://checkettsweb.com'>Clint Checketts</a></p></div>
The list of participants can now be found at the [[registration site|http://lbwreg.draiocht.net]].
All data //except for the carpooling info// has been imported into it.
This tiddler will hold the current pub of the day; during the LBW it will be displayed at the top of the page.
|Sunday 12|[['t Fort]]|
|Saturday 11|[[De Tapperij]]|
Bring your own food/drink/whatever.
As per usual, The english aren't allowed to bring tea bags.
The registration site is now up at http://lbwreg.draiocht.net.
* The data that was in the old system has been imported, except for the carpooling bits.
* For security reasons, all account passwords must be reset. Please use the [[reset password|http://lbwreg.draiocht.net/resetpassword.php]] link on the site.
* For maintenance reasons, all accounts that have not reset their password after this LBW will be purged.
|Description:|Allows you to easily rename or delete tags across multiple tiddlers|
|Version:|3.0 ($Rev: 5501 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2008-06-10 23:11:55 +1000 (Tue, 10 Jun 2008) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
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End of the World Edition (August 12 to 19)
LBW 2012: Diksmuide, Belgium
This is a short list of accomodations we've found; there are probably more if you have a Google. English should be widely understood, you should not have any problems booking accomodations. We will of course be glad to assist should the locals prove rather more local than anticipated.
There is a list of places on the city's distinctly non-english [[tourism page|http://toerisme.diksmuide.be/]] - look for "Logies" in the left bar. The successive items in the submenu are "Campings", "Group accomodation", "Hotels", "B&Bs", "Holiday homes" and, I'm sorry to say, something called "Well lubricated" - some kind of culinary arrangement in what is apparently "Butter town".
There may be deals available at [[http://www.visitflanders.us|http://www.visitflanders.us/search.jsp?s=diksmuide&Contenttype=Accomodation]].
!Orgyniser's Pick
Below are some of the suggestion we can make. Book early.
<html><iframe frameborder=0 style='width:100%;height:500px' src='http://www.zeemaps.com/pub?group=360683&legend=1&x=2.853711&y=51.030811&z=3'> </iframe></html>
These were not particularly helpful when we showed up looking for a hall, but the staff is competent and friendly, and the "verwenkoffie" was rather impressive indeed.
Potential candidate for PotD.
Bloemmolenkaai 1
8600 Diksmuide
Tel. 051 50 02 74
We were a bit unimpressed, here. While the portions are plentiful, there seemed to always be just one thing wrong - incomplete orders, out of balance tastes. Never anything major, but always something.
The meat, on the other hand, was really very good; and they offer steak up to 1.6kg, advertised as "for two people".
We will likely not select it for PotD; but if you want good meat, and lots of it, this may still be well worth a visit.
Schoolplein 5
8600 Diksmuide
Tel. 051 50 06 66
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This is the final design that will be silkscreened onto quality black t-shirts.
<html><img src="http://lbw2012.tuxera.be/t-shirt/Dither6plus1.png?orig" width="411" height="618"/></html>
The price will be 20 Euro per shirt.
If you want some, please send size, quantity and model preference (male/female) to [[lbw2012@tuxera.be|mailto:lbw2012@tuxera.be]].
Orders will be sent to the supplier on monday, august 6. We'll be ordering a few extras to get a round number of orders, but don't count on that to get your shirt.
LBW 2012 will manifest itself between Sunday, August 12 and Sunday, August 19, 2012.
This is the week right before the [[Vierdaagse van de IJzer|http://www.mil.be/vierdaagse/subject/index.asp?LAN=en&ID=497]], so make sure to book early.
We have acquired the hall of brasserie 't Fort, with a private key so we can get to the hall before they open.
<html><iframe frameborder=0 style='width:100%;height:500px' src='http://www.zeemaps.com/pub?group=360655&x=2.853258&y=51.033486&z=4'> </iframe></html>
Some shots taken inside the hall.
The light was not optimal, but you get an idea of what it looks like, and what is available.
[img[Inside View of the Hall with Belgians in the Picture|http://lbw2012.tuxera.be/images-diksmuide/Hall-View2-Small.jpg]][img[The Bar... Well stocked, but off-limits... Alas!|http://lbw2012.tuxera.be/images-diksmuide/Hall-Bar-Small.jpg]][img[Inside View of the Hall|http://lbw2012.tuxera.be/images-diksmuide/Hall-View1-Small.jpg]]
Due to lack of equipment the pictures we've taken aren't particularly enticing, but here are a number stolen from the internets.
!!The village
[img[Coming|http://]] [img[soon|http://]]
! Wiki Updates
* Check the pictures for correct table size and chair count
* Add a section on walks, the natrue reserve, possible /suggested activities.
** Het Zwin?
* Barbie at hall?
* Vernieuwd Museum Ieper
* 't Zwin?
* Kusttram for Stewie :-)
!Information Gathering
* Hall
** Can we get UTP
** Do we need to provide an extra volume pack for the internet?
** Do we need/can we get extra power plugs on a separate fuse?
* Food and drink
** Go there and be very Belgian indeed under the guise of finding the good pubs
! Feedback from others
* (Heike) ([[Events]])From looking at the maps, can you swim in the lakes? Information about that should probably go into a section "Activities" together with the walking and suggested hikes?
!Website techstuff
Figure out a way to force the maps viewer in streetview mode.
Gadget code below
<<gadget http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr height:400 width: 700 prefs:"url=http://www.gstatic.com/ig/modules/mapsearch/kennedy/localsearch.xml&up_location=51.03333, 2.85387&up_locationCacheLat=37.788081&up_locationCacheLng=-122.409668&up_mapType=roadmap&up_idleZoom=11&up_trafficMode=false&up_locationCacheString=&up_largeMapMode=true&up_kml=false&up_traffic=&up_transitionQuery=&up_rawquery=&up_selectedtext=&synd=open&w=700&h=400&title=The+Venue&lang=all&country=ALL&border=#ffffff|3px,1px+solid+#999999&output=js">>
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!This Was Here Before I Touched It.
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!This is where I started playing around a bit
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